Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pres Obama, America Already Knows it's Core Values

And, you know, If there's one thing that I regret this year, is that we were so busy just getting stuff done and dealing with the immediate crises that were in front of us, that I think we lost some of that sense of speaking directly to the American people about what their core values are and why we have to make sure those institutions are matching up with those values. And that I do think is a mistake of mine. I think the assumption was, if I just focus on policy, if I just focus on the, you know this provision, or that law, or are we making a good, rational decision here --” President Obama
What are our core values? The question is fraught with esoteric rhetoric. The truth is, every person has a unique collection of elements that make up their personal core values. I'm not going to spend any time on the importance of one value over another or what values lead to successful moral life. What I am going to spend a little time on is, what I see are the unique core values of the American psyche. Simply stated personal values are those behaviours and world views that one gives a higher level of worth (or value). “Personal core values are at the very core of your being. They are the values you hold closest to your heart, the values that resonate most completely with your soul”. However there are also cultural core values. In the United States, we as Americans have some very unique core values. Interestingly enough, many of these core values come from our form of government. In no other country, does government play so intrinsic a role in core values, as in the United States. A definition of cultural core values is, a basic framework you can use to understand, analyse simple beliefs, or rules about what a culture represents and how it solves problems. The first part of this definition is striking, because few nations really care what their culture represents, but in the US, we have been raised with the idea that we are the bastion of Democracy and in some corners, the “United States is the last best hope for the preservation of freedom and liberty throughout the world”.
Ask an American what it means to be an American and he will tell you it's about living in a free country. This is what sets us aside from the rest of the world; we define ourselves not by the fact we were born here, not by our language or love of Queen, but by a form of government that guarantees freedom. Back to my definition of cultural core values; so what are the rules that defines what our culture represents? The rules are enumerated as inalienable rights due all people, guaranteed to American citizens and protected by the United States Constitution; inalienable are rights given, not by a king, not by a government, but by our creator. Finally, the cultural core value definition includes how a culture solves its problems. All this talk of freedom and liberty are hollow words, unless the culture determines how its decisions are made. Do we allow dissenters to burn flags, allow hate speech, and free criminals because of government misconduct? Or, do we not turn our backs on tyranny and genocide throughout that world? Cultural problem solving is a measure of honesty and integrity, which in the final analysis is a determination of the maturity of a culture.
These are the core values of the American people, so when you hear what President Obama said at the beginning of this blog, all Americans should pause for a moment to realize what he is actually saying; particularly, “..I regret this year, is that we were so busy just getting stuff done and dealing with the immediate crises that were in front of us, that I think we lost some of that sense of speaking directly to the American people about what their core values are”. Here you actually have the President of the United States regretting that he was negligent in the progressive necessity of redefining the core values of the American People. President Obama could have said, he regretted not speaking directly “with” the American people about what their core values are, but what he said was, not “speaking directly 'to' the American people". The first is a fact finding mission and the latter is indoctrination. It might be enlightening that President Obama gave over 400 speeches last year; that's more than one speech a day! One has to wonder, how many speeches he would have given if he hadn't been “just getting stuff done and dealing with the immediate crises that were in front of us”.
I'll leave you with this; if the President and the Democrats were legislating reforms that conform with American core values, then it would not have been necessary for him to try and redefine them; American core values come from the bottom, up not the top down. We have the Declaration Of Independence, that defines that freedom and liberty comes from a power greater than man and a Constitution that protects and defends these rights, we don't need the progressive relativism that the President is trying to force on this country. The progressives are not the first to try and rob the American people of their liberty for a promise of safety or in this case, entitlement. We have all seen it before and it has been said over and over,“We don't want what you're are selling”.

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